Smart disinfection and towel dryer
Save a lot of space, our clothes do not need to be dried on the balcony, and the clothes are still dry on rainy days
Downward air supply, fast drying without damaging clothes. The fan blades provide air in a wide area, so that the hot air is circulated and water evaporate quickly
UV disinfection – Bacteria sterilization rate is as high as 99.9%
Orlant WiFi Towel Care System MJ01 & MJ03
Functions :
1. Eco Air
2. UV (Ultra-Violet)
3. Solar Dryer
4. Timer
5. Motion Sensor
6. Room Temperature Indicator
7. Status Indicator
8. Tuya Enabled
Orlant WiFi Towel Care System MJ01
Orlant WiFi Towel Care System MJ03